Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Birds of Prey (July 2012)

In kindergarten Abby learned about Rain Forests. She loved learning about them and became really interested in the Harpy Eagle. If you ask her about the Harpy Eagle you will get lots of facts about its size and how it likes to eat monkeys and such and also that it lives in the emergent layer of the rain forest. She knows a lot about them. 
When we were planning our vacation to Boise my dad mentioned that the Birds of Pray have a Harpy Eagle in Boise. Even though I grew up in Boise, Id. I had never visited the Birds of Prey or even knew much about it for that matter, but we made sure to put it on our list of things to do while we were there this summer and it didn't disappoint.  Abby was in heaven to be able to see a Harpy Eagle up close and I have to agree it was a really cool place. We made sure to let them know we came all the way from Washington just to see that Eagle! Thanks dad for the great suggestion, it made Abby's vacation. 
I didn't have my good camera and this was one time I wish I did because there were some really neat birds- the snow owl was my favorite.

Here it is! It was really cool when it fluffed its feathers up on its head.

They look like they are stuffed sometimes so it was really fun when they would fly around in their cages.