Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 and 4

Our November is such a crazy month. First we have our anniversary on the 21st, then Davis has a birthday on the 24th, then Michael's birthday on the 25th, and then we have Thanksgiving mixed in as well.  This year was the first time Michael got to invite friends over and because there are so many cute boys in our neighborhood we went big. Michael wanted to do a motorcycle party so that was our theme. We combined it with a train theme for Davis and did it all in one night!

Michael's cake- he loves oreo cookies and he wanted to add those on. Davis had a train cake but with two cakes to make we will just say the train cake didn't turn out as cute.

We did a freeze dance with everyone and it was a huge hit!

Pin the rider on the motorcycle- thanks to a few of my YW for making such a cool motorcycle. We also did car racing with the boys.

The whole gang!

This was the favorite gift for Davis. He loves his little dog that barks and moves, but now that we got the real deal its taken second place. At least he can have this dog to sleep with though.

Its crazy to think I my boys are 2 and 4 now. Time goes so fast and I just love these little guys. Davis has really grown up in the last month and he now repeats everything you say. Its like he is discovering a whole new world. He loves to learn. He is still my crazy boy who seems to have no fear and can take a fall like no other 2 year old. Michael is still my best snuggler.  Whenever I call him cute he likes to correct me with "handsome" but sometimes he lets it slide and then calls me handsome. Its our little game and I love it. He loves riding his bike, playing baseball, playing golf, wrestling with his dad, and has started learning to write his letters which he is very proud of. We love these boys and are so glad they are in our family!!!


Cale, Hailey, Kira & Cole December 2, 2010 at 9:50 AM  

Ok two things. I can't believe you got a dog! and your kids are so cute. Never cut Davis's hair!

RaeAnn December 2, 2010 at 6:39 PM  

Happy Birthday BOYS! Cannot believe how fast four years has gone. Love your whole stinkin fam!!!

Becca, Bryce, T, C, and J December 4, 2010 at 7:09 PM  

Happy Birthday to your 2 beautiful boys!! I card your Christmas card in the mail today. You are so talented Amber!