Friday, November 13, 2009


Last night Abby wanted marshmallows but she had already had a treat and it was getting close to bedtime, so I said no. She kept asking and asking and I told her that if she asked again she was going straight to bed. She just couldn't resist whispering it to Mike thinking it was somehow different than asking me, so it was to bed. When we were brushing her teeth she exclaims through her tears that "marshmallows would make her feelings happy." We are so mean!

The next morning she had not forgotten and tells me "I get marshmallows after breakfast" I asked her if dad had said that and she confidently says, "no, Abby said that" and she said it as if that was as powerful as Dad or Mom saying she could. Got love her, I hope her feelings are happy today!


Rosemary November 24, 2009 at 1:00 PM  

I like marshmallows too Abby and parents are mean! But you may just turn out okay in the end :) Are you guys coming to Utah for Thanksgiving?

ej December 2, 2009 at 6:45 AM  

Being cute AND smart is a dangerous combination :) Marshmallows make my feelings happy too Abby.

Anonymous December 7, 2009 at 8:01 PM  

How could you deny that beautiful child anything ?...give her a dang marshmellow, grandma roxie said so.