The number 3
Today and most days Davis had a meltdown about numbers. He loves numbers but he is obsessed with them. Lately the magic number is three. He has to be wearing size 3 and since is almost 4 I have been buying him size 4. We are running low on our size 3 options. Today he rummaged through the dirty clothes until he found size 3 because he did not want the clothes I had out for him and when I wouldn't let him wear the dirty ones he was in major meltdown mode. I finally got smart enough and found the tag that has the item numbers on the size 4 clothes I had out for him and luckily out of ten or so numbers there was a 3 and he was good to go.
He also has to be third to get into the car, out of the car, putting his buckle on, and getting into the house. The number 3 is kicking our butt around here.
Haha. So funny.
A least it shouldn't be too hard to be third in line around your house!
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